Business Technology

AI in Real Estate; Benefits, Challenges, and 7 Use Cases

Article by:  Shabbir Ahmad Online:  AI in Real Estate: Benefits, Challenges, and 7 Use Cases | Shifted Magazine   Artificial technology has penetrated every sphere of our lives – from healthcare and finance to education and real estate. With its help, doctors evaluate medical images faster, traders make accurate real-time decisions, and property agents single […]

Business Technology

Hoe KI-Aangedrewe Eiendomsagente die spel herdefinieer: Wenke, Truuks en Tydlose Wysheid

Artikel deur:  Dean Jones Aanlyn: “Real Estate kan nie verlore of gesteel word nie, en dit kan ook nie weggedra word nie. Met gesonde verstand gekoop, ten volle betaal en met redelike sorg bestuur, is dit omtrent die veiligste belegging in die wêreld.” – Franklin D Roosevelt Real boedel, dikwels oorweeg die toppunt van tasbare beleggings, is by ‘n kruispad. ’n […]

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