Source: Solidarity World – By Emsie Martin Published: 13 August 2019 Article: In the times we live in and with the high unemployment rate one should not use the regular channels only to look for work. One should cast around wider and also use the social networks. There are also various Facebook groups you […]
Met dank: Solidariteit Wereld – Anja van den Berg Publiseer: 31 Julie 2019 Klein sake het beperkte hulpbronne en om hierdie hulpbronne te optimeer, is ʼn balanseertoertjie. Die rol van voldoening is deel van hierdie balanseertoertjie. Hierdie vereistes het meer geword na gelang nuwe wette in werking getree het saam met ander regulasies, soos SEB […]
With Thanks: Dr Eugene Brink – Solidariteit Wereld Published: 22 July 2019 Article: The era of ubiquitous digital texts and technology and the immense and accelerating rate at which they are displacing printed publications has well and truly arrived and is here to stay. It seems as if this march cannot be halted and […]
By Jovan Mandic Published: 5 July 2019 Article: Embury Institute for Higher Education (Embury), in partnership with the Development Institute for the Deaf and Blind (DIDB), has launched its first South African Sign Language Teachers’ Training Programme. Students enrolling for the programme will qualify with a higher certificate in pre-school education. The course is […]
BY: JANE THOMSON Published: 5 July 2019 Article: A study recently published by the Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences confirms that as South Africa’s popularity as a tourist destination increases, the need for skilled human capital increases too. Especially during the festive season, the hospitality industry employs additional human resources (HR) to meet increased demand. This […]
Source: QS Asia News Network Published: 23 March 2018 Article: The roles of higher education in sustainable economic and social development increase year by year, and this will continue over the next decades. Higher education can be seen as a focal point of knowledge and its application, an institution which makes a great contribution to […]
Posted by: Dale Hes Published: 7 July 2017 Source: Article: If you’re an entrepreneur with a foolproof idea and all the resources you need to start your business, then there’s no need for you to go to college, right? You can definitely be successful without a college qualification, just ask Bill Gates and […]
Excerpt: Article: New students, returning students, families, and all people interested in e-learning programs should use this section as a beginning guide to information about accreditation. Distance and e-learning programs are becoming more and more vital in the world of higher education. Through the use of new technological resources, online learning programs make […]
Posted by: Jo Cole Published: 17 February 2014 Article: With the rise of university placements comes the rise of qualifications, and it soon started to seem like the only way to get your foot in the door was by having a string of letters after your name. But this wasn’t always the case, and […]