Education eSocial

20 Study Hacks to Improve your Memory

20 Study Hacks to Improve Your Memory Posted by:  Andrea Leyden Online: We have scoured our brains and the internet for the best study hacks to help your brain remember information. Memory is a muscle.  Get it in shape. This well help you to remember quicker and more easily. This will help you in your exams and […]

Education eSocial News

Hoe kies ek die regte beroep?

Met dank: Essie Bester – Solidariteit Loopbaan Gepubliseer: 4 November 2019 Artikel: Om ʼn loopbaanrigting te kies, is seker een van die moeilikste besluite wat ʼn mens (en dikwels is jy dan nog kind) moet neem. Baie mense verander wel later in hul lewe van loopbaan, maar daardie eerste keuse het altyd ʼn impak. […]

Education eSocial Networking News

Klop só eksamenstres…

Met dank: Nico Strydom – Solidariteit Wereld Gepubliseer: 4 November 2019 Artikel: Eksamentyd kan ʼn baie stresvolle tydperk wees, nie net vir leerlinge nie maar ook vir hulle ouers. “Stres in die eksamentyd is gewoonlik nie die gevolg van die werk wat geleer moet word en die fisiese aflê van die eksamen nie, maar […]

Business Education eSocial News

Why New Leaders Should Make Decisions Slowly

Constance Dierickx specializes in working with organizations in high-stakes situation such as mergers, acquisitions, CEO succession, strategic change, and crisis. She has advised more than five hundred executives on five continents in more than twenty industries. She is the author of High-Stakes Leadership: Leading Through Crisis with Courage, Judgment, and Fortitude.  Published: 25th September 2019 Article: […]