Article by: Robert Simpson (ED Tech blog writer) Online: What are Zoom Classes? Understanding Virtual Education via Zoom What are Zoom classes, and how do they fit into the world of modern education? Zoom has revolutionized the way students and teachers interact, offering a dynamic platform for both traditional learning environments and remote education. Whether […]
Met Dank: Anja van den Berg Gepubliseer: 4 November 2019 Artikel: Die meeste aanbieders weet instinktief wanneer hulle gehoor ophou om na hulle te luister. Selfone word diskreet uitgehaal terwyl teksboodskappe onderlangs onder die tafel gestuur word. Sommige begin afsak in hulle stoele of hulle met hulle voete tik. Die meer onbeskaamdes mag selfs […]
Met dank: Essie Bester – Solidariteit Loopbaan Gepubliseer: 4 November 2019 Artikel: Om ʼn loopbaanrigting te kies, is seker een van die moeilikste besluite wat ʼn mens (en dikwels is jy dan nog kind) moet neem. Baie mense verander wel later in hul lewe van loopbaan, maar daardie eerste keuse het altyd ʼn impak. […]
Met dank: Nico Strydom – Solidariteit Wereld Gepubliseer: 4 November 2019 Artikel: Eksamentyd kan ʼn baie stresvolle tydperk wees, nie net vir leerlinge nie maar ook vir hulle ouers. “Stres in die eksamentyd is gewoonlik nie die gevolg van die werk wat geleer moet word en die fisiese aflê van die eksamen nie, maar […]
Constance Dierickx specializes in working with organizations in high-stakes situation such as mergers, acquisitions, CEO succession, strategic change, and crisis. She has advised more than five hundred executives on five continents in more than twenty industries. She is the author of High-Stakes Leadership: Leading Through Crisis with Courage, Judgment, and Fortitude. Published: 25th September 2019 Article: […]
Met Dank: Solidariteit Wereld – Deur Dr. Eugene Brink Publiseer: 15 Julie 2019 Afrikaans is Suid-Afrika se derde grootste taal met meer as sewe miljoen sprekers. Dit sluit tweedetaalsprekers – waarvan daar baie is – uit. Afgesien van Engels, is daar nie ‘n ander taal in Suid-Afrika wat sterk ekonomiese waarde en hefboomkrag asook só […]
With thanks: Solidarity World – By Mandy-Michelle Thackwray Published: 11 July 2019 Article: The other day a colleague mentioned to me that in the past, you had very busy periods at work, then things slowed down a bit, until the next big thing came along. However, this is no longer the case. There are […]
With thanks: Solidarity World – By Emsie Martin Published: 24 July 2019 Article: July is the saving awareness month and this year’s #CrazywaystoSave theme is the ideal encourager to make you and other South Africans invest in your own financial freedom in order to ensure your absolute happiness. DebtSafe would like to show you […]
Met Dank: Solidariteit Wereld – Deur Anja van den Berg Publiseer: 6 Augustus 2019 Artikel: Alle werkoliste werk te veel, maar nie almal doen dit op dieselfde manier nie. Elke styl van werkolisme druk ʼn verskillende stel emosionele weerlooshede uit. Die resultaat van enige styl van werkolisme is egter dieselfde: ʼn ongebalanseerde lewe gedomineer […]
On Monday the 9th of September the Department of Labour had an unannounced visit to Aldes Head Office. Mrs Francina Maduwa and Mr Mike Maseko from the Department of Labour, were quite satisfied that Aldes is compliant with all the required regulations regarding the Labour Act. In fact the inspection was concluded within an hour […]